"Fashion Fades, Style is Eternal" - Yves Saint Laurent

Monday, December 27, 2010


well, i dont know if you know but, im just a lil bit OVER OBSSEED with KANYE WEST!  so you know when i found theses crewnecks online i just had to order them soooo....

btw: its a pic of AMBER ROES if you did not realize that lol.

ifff you like these you can order them online at http://turnstyle4u.bigcartel.com/product/yeezy-taught-me-gry


1. become more agressive with my career. make good connections.
2. improve in school. education is key to sucess
3.blog on a regular bases. i cant forget my BABY lol
4. humble myself. somtimes my EGO gets the best of me
5. be more understanding and continue to not judge people.

it does not seem like muchh but HEY llittel steps to bigger goals.

IT's BEEN SOOOOOOOOOOOOO long. but yes im back

So i have been taking time of from blogging but now im back, YAAAAY!. School is honestly the reason blogging has been slow for me. Schoool is such a drain for me, but its somthing i have to do sooooooo. Anyway im back!